Thursday, October 21, 2010

De one with Contemplate and Reconsider

Fumes of sighs

It's nice to be caught in a sweet dream, be smitten and all. Like I said, we need to wake up to live those dreams. If live circumstances doesn't permit. I mean, why continue living a dream that's hard living it.

IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP! Wasted my time to contemplate and reconsider when there's nothing to start with in the first place. As the saying goes: "Chang tong bu ru duan tong (short term pain is easier to deal with as compared to terminal misery in Mandarin). Snip it and fend off all self-inflicted injuries before it gets worse.

De one with Hard Decisions

Resolution day

I always have the solutions to my troubles. The mind is my route-map. Alternatives, desperate measures, last resorts, witty tricks, innovative gimmicks. You name it, it has it. Refusal is not in my dictionary. If that word attempts to creep into the registry of words, fat chance it would succeed on its intrusion.

I felt so much better voicing out my thoughts, be it from my heart or brain. More than never, we tend to be clouded with doubts, dilemmas and fright because we are either afraid of accepting reality blatantly right under our noses, or we fear the consequences of regret that will haunt us years down the road.

I always have the decision made. Right decision of course even before I ask what's next. Yet, my wilded mind could only yearn so dramatically hard towards a hopeful thought that's radical from reality. Not that I refuse facing reality, I just don't wanna shortchange myself.