Monday, August 09, 2010

De one with The One

Thoughts and wordings

Everybody talks, yearns and desires their very own "the one". It could be a thing, a wedding ring, a dream job position, a school to attend...most commonly, "the one" often refers to a soul-mate.

I couldn't help but be half-amused and half-embarrassed having recalled my confessions to my exes. As far as I recalled I told and was being told we're "the one", often tagged with either the "last" (the last one) or "and only" (the one and only). The way that it sounds clinche which makes my cheeks glow. Now that I relived the moment these words came out of my mouth, it reset my heart, mind and soul to reconsider the depth and genuine of the words.

While I can't justify how true my exes meant those words were, I could well make a close guess. I supposed "no" because they were cases of the ex. If you'd care to ask further whether I meant what I said a decade ago, *lowers my chin for awhile and lift up again*, am afraid I have to say "no, I didn't".

"Why?" you might probe further. Having considered the ugly endings or the blatant unwind of events, hidden secrets each of us were hiding from one another (be it to save ourselves, protect the other party, the fate of fates), my answers jolly well converge on "I couldn't have meant what I said". What was true might be for the moment the words were formed, like a carat ring essential to close the deal, elevates our confessions to a level more convincing with our partners.

What's past and present can be dealt with. The ultimate wary lies within what the future beholds. Age yields experience and experiences in turn affect our perspectives, behavior and the way we react eventually. It seemed more is required of us to "fall for another person" after who, what, where and when you've encountered, lest to say it's twice as difficult to get head-over-heels over someone. Do I have to comment further how painfully demanding it is to tell someone "you're the one" largely because you can't be certain what would be the outcome inspite of knowing how weighty these words are.

Or not... we could be stalking time.. living pretentious relationship filled with lies and other unhealthy situations which puts all of us committing similar mistakes to utter shame. Shows how much integrity and maturity we sinners lack. The fact that we are grown ups and still unable to carry meaning to your vocal-expressions. Gosh, we ought to be careful about what we say.

(Photo in courtesy of

De one with Salt

Bore and daring as ever

The rare diamond sparkles at the slightest fade of light. How do I differentiate a star? Agree totally with Kylie Minogue, it's in their eyes.

In courtesy of
Rare as can be, Angelina Jolie is one of those distinct as one. Yes, you can go on relating her as one of the sexiest women, her full-lips, slim body. My opinion of her based on her steady eyes. She has this special gaze, like Chow Yun Fat, which makes it all worthwhile for her to make a scene without any lines or music to compliment.

Recently, I watched Angelina Jolie in SALT. Yesterday Clara commented "she looked better in dark colored hair" when she looked her in the cinema poster. I preferred the new blondie look. It makes her look like a composed real-life Barbie, refined lady. But I couldn't agree more with H, that woman has got the "killer" looks. Besides her beauty, she's got this ultra-cool look, it's tough telling if she's even acting or naturally being herself!

Weekends seemed to be blasted with movies. Speaking of my hunger for it for the past month. *gigs*. First was Inception, Air Bender, and recently, Salt. Sorcerer's Apprentice? My gut feeling tells me not to. Sorry if you are a post-movie turned big fan.

The movie was pretty a blast. No, not because Angelina Jolie (the second woman in the world I labelled as "hot" or she's a few left-handed) was in it, as I told Clara when she'd guessed. If compared with Inception, SALT is less complex, more actions but nonetheless brilliant twist. And.. you'll only need to watch it once to fully understand it. Haha.

I guess, I prefer watched action flicks nowadays. And yes, those with alot of twist that make me sit up and think "so this was how it begun in the beginning" or "wuao, who would have ever thought so". What about your preference? Has it changed lately?