Tuesday, July 18, 2006

De one with Flu


Ever since yesterday night, the detestable flu virus caught me. Sigh. Have feed on countless panadol for cold and anti-hysthamine but sadly, results weren't as desired. Sigh.

I got so pissed with this nose, machum like a loose tap water hose. Sigh.

This afternoon went Suntec with Mohan. Surprisingly, though we've not met for quite a while, we hardly had anything to chat about. Hmm.. partly it's because i was having flu bah. Thus, experiencing some problem having a smooth conversation. Glad we had the basic coffee, chat and chilling out like past time. He had cheese cake and Java Frap. I had my chicken ugly puff and Tazo Earl Grey tea (instead of my normal Caramel Frap since Sweet advise me to refrain from Frap).

Nothing much except having made a trip to Candy Empire and Citylink.
Sigh. I really HATE to be sick! x'(

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