Saturday, August 05, 2006

De one with "It's finally Weekend!"


You know what? It's finally week end! Thank goodness. After a week at school and i must admit, i'm really looking forward to this week end because it's a real get-away from all those intensive 3-hr lectures i have per day. Omg. Hmm.. it's been awhile since my last blog. *Oops*

Well well, life's going good but abit stressful than ever. Yesterday, I attended Kok Sin's birthday chalet at Downtown East. Phew! He over-ordered his BBQ stuff. We were like eating our fill and more than that, understanding and empathising his difficulty (of surplus leftovers) and efforts.
I must admit this was the BBQ session in which i was most hardworking *pat pat*
I peng hung for quite a long time. What an achievement. In addition that those food i cooked is not only edible but tasty..heh Kidding. It's ok-tasting lah. Or maybe it's just the quality of the catered food.

Anyway, went home very late yesterday. Didn't have much time to read up before my lecture today. Plus I had to do research for my marketing assignment project, which i only remembered when i got back.

Well.. Marketing assignment project... We're getting to start. For now, not much of discussion. Just a few during our in-between lecture breaks. So so.. got lots to be done.

Can you believe it! Saturday still have to attend lectures at school. Sigh. Hmm... next weekend too. Lessons for the whole day somemore. Sigh. Intended to skip but Sweet was pretty strict over my ill-thoughts about this. Thanks Sweet for your concern. I love you.

Hmm.. the rest? hehe.. catch up on my next blog. Oops..getting late for school!

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