Tuesday, September 19, 2006

De one with The Verdict

Fluming day

Whatever I was feeling sad and insecure took it's final leash and then came a harsh-derserving verdict: Sweet is no longer in love with me anymore.

I don't know who to blame. I was persistent once again, filled with misery-converted-to-rage too. All I could think of was I find it very difficult to let go. It really hurt deep inside as if my heart is bleeding profusely.

Deserve it? I think not. I really deny that the culprit is me for this turn of events. Neither do I want to blame Sweet. As much as I'm hopeful for a miracle.. let's just blame that Sweet and I are not fated.

I feel overly sinful ever since our final confrontation. Judging the measures I've taken and trouble caused. I though I could hang out this rage. However, by now, I've started to regret and repent. I really hate me being someone so evil who I detest..

I've forsakened the 4-faced Bhurma's blessed gift to me. Right now, I can do nothing but start into blank, letting the tears of regret, guilt, misery, flow out unstoppably from my eyes.. filled with ultimate desperation for hope and resentment.

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