Wednesday, October 11, 2006

De one with Patience

Mild hazy morning

People kep saying:" You're still young... don't think too/so much. Just wait and the right one will appear or come to you."

Is this really true? How long more must I wait? :'S

1 comment:

Dead man walking said...

Okay, you don't know me, but I am going to tell you the secret.

People say things like that because they don;t know what else to say when seeing you in this emotional state.

I came off of an uglym divorce where I gave everything into a marraige while she could not do the same. People told me the same things. It didn;t help.

I began blogging and strangely enough met another blogger who I fell head over heels for IMMEDIATELY. She did the same and now I am moving to her town to be with her.

The thing is that you have to be ready for it when it happens and you have to take bold chances even if it means being shot down.

Good luck to you. Keep your chin up. I can tell you from experience that this does get easier.

One final note: DON'T lose that ability you have to put ALL of your heart into it. Forget what other people tell CAN put everything into a relationship and it WILL pay off with the right person.