Tuesday, January 09, 2007

De one with Cane

Day of raining

Alot of us will recall one of the most considerably feared object which is the cane. It seemed inseparable and integrated into our life, even as one ages. Unexplainably, the cane was often associated as a universal tool (especially in Asian countries) to enforce the consequence for having committed wrong. I remember being canned back when I was five years old for misbehaving. Besides, there are corporal punishment for adults who committed even more grave mistakes or civil wrongs like molesting.

I doubt it's possible for anyone to obliterate the unforgettable experience of the harsh and excruciating pain inflicted by this mean tool. Before even having mentioned about the beating, the tensed moment of waiting, and nerve-racking sound of the whipping cane as it "slices" the air before it actually lands on our body, are considerably disturbing! Omg! Ouch!!

Recalling my childhood days, only figured out after I've grown, why did my parents have to used the cane? Firstly, I used to think naively, that it's because canning was out of sadism. Unbelievably, it's truth for some unfortunate children. Secondly, as I've mentioned earlier, the thin stick is the idea tool for enforcing the dean consequences of having done wrong. Most importantly, I felt the cane was merely a representative of an adult's authority. It's similar to the sword of a Knight, the cross pendent of a Catholic, or even the pace-stick of a Warrant officer. It's so powerful for some obedient children, that it revokes any act of mischief.

For me? hmmm.. effective only a number of times. I used to get canned pretty often as much as I'd remembered. You must be wondering for what reasons. Well.. it's because I refused to do work when I'm told; misbehaved. My family mentioned that I only knew how to stand rooted to the spot and get canned without retaliating or escaping. There was one incident in particular that my mummy stripped me bare and canned me, pushed me out of the house because I refused to do my homework. The stripping part was because my mummy commanded to return everything which she paid for. Of course, she was under tonnes of anger and frustration back then.

The remedy? My doting granny or big-aunt will prevent what's more than necessary beating and sayang, wipe off my gallons of tears. Otherwise, I'll go to a little space beside my cupboard, hide my little head underneath the pillow casing and have a conference, mere silly "talk" with imaginative friends. Hehehe. Of course, I don't have mental disorder.

Then again, is it the post-canning sored marks? The tears? Or unrepairable emotional scars inflicted unto tender hearts? Or is it the realisation to repent? or worst, the feeling of hatre born from our rebellious nature?

Personally, I feel that it's undeniable that all of the above does come to play everytime we're canned. Perhaps younger, tears were not as significant since it will just flow profusely everytime we suffer. Not even those left-over marks bother as it might burn but gradually, it subsides. Geting used to it doesn't really have any lasting effect.

There were occassions whereby I did cursed and swear abit. (Oh, did I forget to mention I cursed and scold bad language when I was very young and everytime I'm furious about something? Oops). There were trances of hatre. However, it were mere childish thoughts for the moment which didn't last more than a day. Hehe.

And what about realisation to repent? Well.. here's the second part associated with the cane. Generally, I doubt some people will deny that the deemed outcome of canning was to cause the punishee (Jason language: Person receiving the punishment) to realise his/her mistakes and repent. Of course, not everyone does. Yet, it does remind me as I mature and deters me from committing the same mistakes again.

One illustrating example would be my Daddy's canning. When he got really angry, he will whack me anyhow, anywhere, as many times and as hard. It was really unbearably terror. Certainly, I've neer tried pissing him off again. Omg.

Do I like the cane? I hate it. I detest it extremely. Likewise for you I guess...

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