Wednesday, May 16, 2007

De one with Ending Sem2

Rainy weather

Hi guys, wondering where have I gone to? No worries, Jason's back. Sorry it took me so long because the blog was having some technical problems. Furthermore, the examination battle and preparation suspended me from my "blogging" services since April.

Well.. nothing has changed. Except life's getting bored when it's supposed to be bleaching itself with the excitement and fun colors of countless post-exam cum holiday activities! Pondering why? well, guess it's mainly due to the dreadful change in my course of studies. From next semester onwards, I'll be doing part-time. What to do? it's a major change. Yup. Major change! Supposed Jason will be working!! OMG. Big change sicne I've not much working experience since my maturity.

Anyway, first things first. Here's a brief through Semester 2's examination situation. Apparently, what deemed to be exciting turned out rather disasterious as I guess I've tipped the scale between play and studies. Last semester was different. I wasn't attached.

My first weary battle was with JUST1023. Otherwise known as law. Or more exactly, Commercial Law. The assignment was a hell lot of simple yet demanding standards. Kinda disappointed when I only received a Credit. Sigh. :S

Anyway, the actual exam was really really difficult. There were alot of questions on "vitiating factors", addressing issues involving minor contracts, restraint of trade, illegality and the famous frustration. As usual, there were the "usual suspects": offer and acceptance, and torts with breach of contract. Sadly, my poor-time management caused me to forgo a 10-marks questions. Omg. It's a pity.

Exactly 8 days later, ECONS1025 Prices and markets exam commenced. Despite it was pretty relaxing as I've done these topics during JC and the fact that the examinable topics were within grasp, never did I expect myself to doubt certain simple areas which cause me alot of time pondering and questioning myself whether the nitty-gritty facts were right. Issues such as elasticity. Omg.
Again, time is the opposing enemy. Caused me to loss a 4-marks question undone.

*I wanna cry already*

Another paper which I thought I was confident turned out resigned to the same fate as the previous one. Business Statistics, the only module which comprises of most mathematical skills, left quite a distressing moment during examination. This arrived 3 days after my P&M paper. I got confused between Type I and II error and how to find p-value. Sigh sigh sigh. Thank goodness, I was brilliant to save myself by fishing clues from the MCQ questions to clarify my doubts. Phew..what a relieve!

The last paper was ACCT1063. It was my last, most worried and demoralising module. Not's demoralising. It was different from the post exam relieve feeling when I handed up my last examination scripts. Sigh. Management accounting. Apparently, I did managed to comprehend and did all that were required. All except one 10-mark question on budgeting. Sigh. I swore I've never seen this type of question. It was complex and quantitatively phrased. End up, I landed in a rush situation of typing my scripts (as I've used two answering booklets) and even failed to write the subject title and date. Sigh. Don't even know if I'll be penalised.

Sigh. I'd say, I wasn't as prepared as last semester. Perhaps I was too involved in my just-starting relationship. All in all, the actual opponent was time management itself. Haiz.. if I didn't managed to get 2HDs and 2Crs, there goes my BA with distinction.

Anyway, exams ended. I've been doing nothing but en ride a job hunt online. I'm even considering of moving out from my uncle's place back home so as to live in a luxury of freedom but household-chores-demanding place at home.

As ambitious I was before exam, now it'd only turned out to be clueless. Sigh. Exam period was always like this. One would realised he has so much he wants to do prior exam. Contradictingly, after exams one would discover there's nothing much at all.

This year's delightedly different...

I remembered being passionate about fixing the Mickey and Minnie mouses' wedding puzzle. This was particularly something special. I recall a year ago when I first saw this puzzle, which was only available in 1000 pieces with stain-glass effect, I wanted it very much. Unfortunately, it was sold-out by the time I offered to make my purchase. A year later, I managed to find it in stores again. Lucky lucky!

Anyway, we lack a board big enough to act as a base for the 73cm by 102 cm grand puzzle. Managed to locate it after varying trips to Ikea, Jigsaw puzzle world at Boonlay and even Thompson plaza. Ooo... just wait until I get my hands on the board.

Well..that's all for semester 2. Goodbye... :P

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