Wednesday, August 08, 2007

De one with Conjunctivitis

Blur day

Ouch, the whole family have been infected with a conjunctivitis epidemic. All thanks to my cousin, Jasmine, who fell prey to this annoying virus of the eye last weekend.

Here's the flow... it started from my cousin who then passed the virus to my younger brother. Since my granny have to attend to his condition, the poor old lady got the contagious illness too. Recently, my aunt announced herself as the new victim. Omg. This is real bad.

As for thyself, it all started last monday when I abroad the East-West MRT line as I made my way to campus for class alone. Thank goodness I'm alone, otherwise my colleague Hui min might have get infected too.

You see, I didn't have a sit (as usual). Which lands me standing the a position where the air-condition keep blowing into my eye, which I believed to have aggravated the breakout of conjunctivitis. Most likely, there were premature virus in my eyes earlier.

Anyway, over concerned with the appointment with client the next day, I skipped lecture and rushed to the clinic near Honey's place, in hope for an early "miraculous" recovery. As much as I was worried, my encounter at the clinic was rather amusing.

Pardon me for mentioning the following.. the nurse on duty was a real "38" (a shrewd) auntie lor. She made so much noise when a patient's father came to request for an alteration of MC for his daughter who I'd supposed came earlier. The nurse made a fuss, discarding all her quality customer service la. Omg. Unforgivable.

More comical, the doctor was the only one I've visited whom spoke even softer than me. Omg. Even more unforgivable. He didn't show any professionalism too. His actions proved he was afraid of coming anywhere near me. Omg.

Sweet Honey came to visit me while I was waiting for the dispatch of my medicine. And a one day MC slip which never got utilised as I attended the client appointment without telling my manager (who went with me) about my deadly conjunctivitis.

I guess I was really blissed, the symptoms of my sore-eyes were not as bad compared to my family's. Only the sides of my eyes were infected. Blissed.

It's been 3 days liao. Not only did the conjunctivitis prevented me from going to work to complete my assignments but also intervened my meeting which Honey. Awww...

Oh! By the way, here's some tips: If your eyes develop conjunctivitis (1) really consult a doctor earlier; (2) wash your hands constantly whenever in contact with your eyes; (3) it is forbidden to use the same area of the same piece of tissue or any other cleaning material for both eyes. It would only spread the virus over to the other uninfected eyes; (4) apply your eye drop constantly and get plenty of rest, it helps!

Tomorrow's Singapore's 42th birthday! Yeah!! Advanced Birthday Singapore!!!

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