Friday, August 15, 2008

De one with Turning Old


On my way rushing back home in a cab, the conversation with Lawrence (the accountant from Fei Yue) kept repeating itself at the back of my mind, like an endless broken track. He had asked how old I was during our tele-conversation. I allowed him to go ahead with a guess which kinda turned out to be "25!". Sigh!.. At that moment, a big bead of perspiration flashed on my forehead. *Diao~*

Naturally, I was gracious enough to tell him calmly, in a light-hearted manner, instead of scolding him all the worst of language (damn-it). Sounded something like "no la.. haha, am not that old la.. only turning 23".. and he replied, "wa...... you've got a bright future ahead"..

Sigh.. am I that old? Well.ok... lemme "liquidate" all these sighs which I'm using. Daaammit..

Ok.. let's keep cool.. and what I did, I figured it won't hurt to take a peek on my handphone camera. Right.. can't deny I'm turning old.. that Jason on camera looked so haggard due to all the late night and depression. God... I need some sun in me..

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