Thursday, October 30, 2008

De one with New Life Objectives

Don't say. Act and Take Control

Evening I was sitting in front of the television with my lappy on my laps. And I thought, it's time I wake up and re-defined my purposes in life.

Wishing to live in the past or not aging are plain naivety. It's time to stop dreaming about finding my true someone. Should just discard it at the back of my mind and let nature takes its course. There's a saying: "The more you want it, the further it gets."

What I really want and ought to strive for is do and get what it takes to be a successful audit partner. Competent and witty in tax and audit.

What's success without a home, another of my identified objective in life is to get a condo unit. My Hume Avenue? I'm humble enough, I just pluck one of the few C's every man should have.

I know I'm 23 but since most successful people die young, I suppose I'll just identify it now and see if I've achieved when I'm in my 60s. It would be wonderful if people would write history about me. Perhaps I shall publish my memoirs? Of course, it better be a sold-out publication!

Goals includes a successful audit partner, verse in tax too.Ambitions are for wishful people who dream. Goals are for fevered soccer players, motivators. Objectives are the final destinations to be achieved.

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