Sunday, October 26, 2008

De one with Planning


I'm contemplating what to do after my exams! Man. Not that I'm complaining about my life. I have a happy life. Just.. need more excitement in it!

During our last coffee chat, Mohan confessed he had to leave for London. No, not temporary. Five months. Puff! There goes my best shopping buddy. Clara would most likely be working. Max.. Haha, no use counting. Everybody's away!

Which is why I should find something or some place to go too! Wahaha, I think a getaway this coming CNY.. or backpack? What do you think? Gonna make my second time travelling solo even better! Haven't really decided on but hey, the beach's what I have in mind.

Late afternoon, I was watching this fashion gala. Something associated with a charity event in support of the founding by the Princess of Wales. They had live bands, "musicians" they call it and models cat-walk on the V shaped stage. The stage display was spectacular: Backdrop screens, in the middle was a heart-awowing, ernomous chandelier-like curtain-raise. It was damn creative! Not forgetting the glamourous clothes they wear. And I though to myself, I've gotta be part of this. The question is how?

Given my height, I can't do modelling. I guess I'll be well-off attending galas. I don't like crowds. But I guess I'm very much addicted or attracted to attending functions. Coz, I love to be in my best attire, glamouring people.

Ok, let's not think too much. Back to studies now! Convincing myself I love accountancy. Weeeee!!!

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