Wednesday, October 15, 2008

De one with Young Age Crisis


Being good was never good enough. That's why making the best out of everything forms part of my unspoken character-goal. Lately, things didn't go the way I expected it to be. Apparently, it's worst and far-fetched from what I thought it to be.

I might have complained, lament and whined repeatedly about my incompetence in everything. Same old bothersome problems at work, school, social personnel, whatever it is, it's thriving on my misery.

Who doesn't want to be the best? Sorry, I'm a perfectionist, though I act as if I'm easy going with anything. I was so disappointed when my teammate called me during lunch to convey bad news of our OB assignment. We got a failing grade. I couldn't believe I would ever fail a group's assignment. Stupid.

The greatest challenge in my life is social deficiency. I'm not anti-social. I just don't open up to people that easily unless I have to. It's not my fault I'm not born a fluent tonguer. Give me a break, you guys dun have to make me feel no sense of belonging.

I was really sad over dinner at the Marina Pier. Seriously, I don't feel attached to my company. To the extend, I feel I'm just another dispensable employee. People who are doing worse than me click so well, they got help. I'm facing all assignment alone. Else, how do I learn?

Really unhappy. Life's not fair, nobody says it is in the first place. But, don't have to be that unfair to me what...

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