Sunday, February 01, 2009

De one with Lazy Weekend

Breezy Sunday

Intended to blog in the morning today unfortunately, the HK drama bought by Jasmine was un-resistable. Yes, that's practically how I have wasted my weekend on: Watching the entire 24 episodes of Survivor's Law II, eating and napping my eyebags away.

The show was good. Not really exciting, not educational but passable as entertaining. The lawyers portrayed in the story were emotional, and did a heck lot of unconventional actions and behaviour as a result of their sense of justice (at least what they thought it was). Of course, there was a twist of event but I guess it was compensated by a happy ending.

Speaking of emotional, it provided me with inspiration for this blog. Of course, I have talked about what I did this "lazy weekend", plan A for "saving money" for a forthcoming typhoon (considering the current economic crisis, as discussed in the previous blog). And I guess I can't leave this "self-reflection" on the issue of being emo here.

I recalled my close friends, Clara and Mohan ever commented on emo state of mind because of the emotional behaviour I display in our conversations online and smses. That's partly because they have saw me through the fall of a few relationships.

An upcoming friend, D also commented I was emo after an incident a couple of months ago. That was because of the way I protrayed myself through smses, online chats and blogs during our initial friendship.

After what D said did I realised there's nothing wrong with being an emo. Of course, it is obvious that any who become annoying if they are overly emo, like how we develop into an undesirable body shape or worse, get diabetes if we consume excessive chocolates. But it all strips down to a human's behaviour or responses to our environment in hopes of getting support/assurance/comfort from our friends, family or even a helpful stranger because in that moment, things are just too overwhelmed.

Think about it in this way. A person falls ill when the virus is too overwhelming for that person's immunity. Symptoms reveals (like emotions) to signal for nothing but getting medical help.

In fact, judging from my expressions or should you ever met me live, you'd disagree that I'm an emo. Why? Simply because I do not have much much expressions unless I'm doing it for fun or the situation is too tramatic. All judgements against me are primarily based on my blogs (where I employed it merely as a tool for complaining and type things purely because writting is FOC).

Perhaps you may read the above and think "yeah, right..", then conclude that I'm just denying or excusing myself or what.. truth is, I have always thought I'm better expressive in writting because that's what people, my friends especially, relate on. Thing is, emotions are not plain words. It is how the reader feels about how I feel when they read my blog, judging by sentences-constructions, vocabularies, punctuation marks and even colors to some extend. Lately, I even put on pictures.

I read about this before. "Photos are frozen moments in time. Today it is. Tomorrow time moves on and meant to be forgotten". I couldn't agree more. Imagine how Rose in Titantic looked when she held Jack's drawing of her live-portrait some decades later. She's old. The still drawing of her youth was the opposite. Photos only reminds us of vid memories. It is evidence for us to compare. Hence, emotions are aroused from the memories and comparison. Not the photo itself.

Having said much, I discover being emo can't be judged entirely on how a person writes but also the way he behaves and display. Else, these are live examples of what I have learnt in my previous semester's Organisation Behaviour module: Perception and Stereotyping. Like emo, its existence is nothing. However, too much and consistent would be deemed unhealthy. Don't you agree?

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