Saturday, February 14, 2009

De one with Which Jason?


It's a love-filled day and here I am all mentally-shagged having done patch-up works and reading a PDF-file-ful of Church minutes of meeting in CHINESE. Considering I already have trouble pronouncing Mandarin, now I have to read. *Face in my hands* Oh no~

Remember last blog I mentioned hellweek is starting..or started. It has. 8 days I have to juggle 3 assignments. Thank goodness I wrapped up 1. The other due for submission tomorrow (which explains why I'll be going back to office on a Sunday). The remaining I've done all I can. Gotta wait for Mar to come before I can audit the last quarter in the reporting period. Yup, that's how bad it is - all back-to-back.

There were alot of unexpected changes to my schedules which I managed to readjust/shuffle my appointments with clients. I hate it when people mess up my planning. Look, I took pains to organise swee swee (nicely in Hokkien)! Sadly, it's inevitable. Just gotta get around it.

Nowadays I certainly don't know what I've gotten myself into. There were alot of times during my travelling my mind just disconnect and I'll stare blankly into the shifting scenary. Else, I'll take a deep breathe and rub the bridge of my nose. Feels so much dead as if I'm an empty shell.

Perhaps I'm over tired. Worst when I have to deal with all the clients alone this year (last year at least I have my senior to guide me) and I had to exercise alot of caution to satisfy and assure I've done all that's require. Not forgeting profession skepticism. Man, no wonder a cab driver warned me of ageing earlier when I'm in audit. Arghh.. I have a valid reason to purchase anti-ageing cream!

I feel dead. And beyond resurrection when I can't concentrate and make mistakes which I shouldn't given my meticulous and perfectionist nature. Recently, there were a couple of things which I ought to have notice but didn't. These were when implusiveness took over when I charge with a fast gathering of whichever info at first sight. This is demoralising.

Just last Friday Rebecca asked me to check and photocopy all minutes of meetings for a trouble-maker client of whom I was in charge of two of their group's companies. Turns out it wasn't my fault that the secretary was too detached to informed us of any changes/updates (like having returned the minutes to the client who wishes to terminate our secretary services) and I got very confused with two meetings which relates to separate directors appointment and resignation. Man, I felt so... guess I shouldn't continue on.

I hardly read these two weeks. It's either work till 10+pm at office or the same time I finish classes. I need friends but Mohan and Clara are overseas. Plus I have nothing much that I wish to buy. My Candace Bushnell book is like 30 more pages and I'm done to continue to the next. Yet I'm lack the perfect leisure time to read without causing me further exhaustion from my already battled body.

Today I received my transcript. It's undesirable that I put it away after glancing through it once. My GPA are deteriorating. My future is worrisome man. Does nothing but labour headaches. I suppose my migraine would haunt me soon.

I am alive but I feel spirited-away. Looked up my name on some bibilogical website which deciphers the meaning of everybody's Christian name. Mine means "Healer or of God's salvation." It is then I query myself... who to heal me when my wings are weak and fallen?

By the way, Happy V. Day!

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