Friday, April 03, 2009

De one with Tough Week

Building stressful momentum

It is a tough week. Most of the time, feeling nothing except adrenaline of wanting to complete the ever-piling work load. Not really bugged by helping others out. I mean I love to help. Of course, there's nothing without a price, I had to face more stress. Perhaps that's what the hero in us does - doing the extraordinary seeming impossible for the ordinary. Lame sh*t.

Behind that calm face, I actually felt the tremendous opposite. Not largely because of sharing the burden belonging to others but the crushed, oppressive time-factor. I feel suffocated man. There were moments the tears brimmed to the escape at the ends of my eye. I never tell anyone, just wearing a smile with my teeth cinched, in order to conceal and contain the uncomfortably miserable moods inside.

No use whining, only dealing. Tough week ahead, ain't no stopping.

Thanks to my dear friends who have detected my embarrassing chaotic self and encouraged me through this ordeal. Your goodwill forever marked on the surface of my heart.

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