Tuesday, June 30, 2009

De one with Hiatus

Glad to be back

The month of June wasn't a good one for me, given what happened. Don't worry, I'll shall be blogging about it in blogs to come. And.. well, you shall get a re-enread of these past few weeks.

Right now, it seems my hands are full, juggling components of life: Deadlines from work, friends' accompany, sorting my chaotic feelings. It's sick. Like D said, that's life and we gotta keep moving, even when it means dragging ourselves from standstill.

I've always known possessing the traits of an introvert is my curse. It's something I've been trying to deal with. Trust me, it's a tough fight. It's true the saying goes "a leopard would never change its spots". Suppose that couldn't be more appropriate here.. no matter how much concealers or makeup would even help my innate flaws.

Oh well.. My epic idol once commented "I'm not God, it's impossible for me to please everyone". That's true. Take it or leave it. And no looking back.

The glitter never sparkles every minute. It needs alittle polishing to revive the glamor.

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