Saturday, September 19, 2009

De one with Ace of Jekyll and Hyde

Universally owned

It is full liberty which turns everyone else shameless. I wouldn't vouch that they throw their morale values. Rather, as a personal opinion of a twenty-four year old, I feel they might have modified the social norms into a way they personally or others of their kind, deemed acceptable.

Notwithstanding legislation which approves concubines and mutiple-marriages, Society views second wives or "the other women" as something utterly disgraceful. The Chinese and native-koreans are huge defenders of these. Some women out there are willing to come out to the media and propagate their existence and the deeds which they feel justifiable to have everyone knows. Some for revenge nonetheless. Some for a second oportunity to shamelessly deprive others of their wealth-status. I guess it would be a pretty familiar scene in family courts where mistresses fight for status and alimonies. Well, I was just watching this American drama and also HongKong drama on vicious creatures. Well...drama nonetheless but it must have happened for scriptwriters to plot about it.

When we open our personal acceptance, people oversees what is so important to traditions (which is most often deemed to be boringly-dry and conservatively irrevelant for reality, for some) and behavoir such as way which they thought or opinion exceptional or brave because everyone other ain't in favour or acceptance of.

Being shameless is something we are not proud of. It is even scarier when the wrong-doer feels or is unaware of the wrong things they are committing. Like Jekyll not knowing what Hyde has done right from the beginning.

Fundementally, it roots from the non-admission of wrong which stirred humans, us, to become shameless, coming up and giving tonnes of excuses and lies from the "book 1,001 reasons for being immoral", to shud ourselves from punishment, truth and integrity.

I guess the Aces of Jekyll and Hyde had been burnt into effect at some point in our lives. Like Magic cards, all cards drawn needs a mana point. The mana point for employing the Ace card, lie to yourself.  

Nothing much. Just silly reasoning morales to state herein. 

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