Thursday, October 08, 2009

De one with Leaving

Go go..

There is always communion as well as parting. Am sure these occassions are not unfamiliar to us. So happens today was one of my colleague's final 8 hours with the company I'm currently working it. This happened before but..this time.. perhaps i was feeling alittle sendimental.

Don't get me wrong. Its purely professional. should I describe this better. It's like building a card-stack and one card just decides to go wobbling. It's the kinda disappointing.

Oh well, but I just have to put on my normal smile and give my graciousness. As much as it's unbearable, I just have to suck up to it and take things in my stride.

The blue butterfly settled momentarily on my right index finger, it must have picked up flora scent. Knowing its nature. Clipping its fragile wing would be cruel. I gently moved my finger, and the delicate creature flipped its magnificent wings, as though waving goodbye, before it spring flight. And gradually disappear in sight. 

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