Monday, December 28, 2009

De one with Know-Getting

Passing clouds

Once upon a time, someone who impacted me greatly left me a philosophical phrase: "It takes years to get to know a person skin-deep". As much as this is true, I strongly believe it's tough but never a challenge. It takes two to tango, I guess if people are willing, effective communications and self-motivation to get-to-know people around us, especially the ones of affections, would prove viable, even against all odds.

It's pretty disheartedly because most of the time, we are unable to persevere the pace and efforts which deteriorates because we fail to get the responses we need.. perhaps due to lack of trust.. perhaps the cessation of infatuation/ interest..

I used to be every bothered for someone who treasures bondings. Well, perhaps I've learned to be easy-going and this recently adopted personality has transcended the idea of loosening persistence on getting to know people skin deep. It doesn't mean I've given up. I begun to realise I shouldn't be concerned. Watering a plant doesn't mean it would bloom flowers.

I'm still learning. And hopefully, someone out there would appreciate. Never regret not trying coz I've efforted enough.

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