Friday, January 22, 2010

De one with Dropping Everything Else


If I hadn't inherit patience from Daddy, I honestly doubt if I'd have remained my cool. Faced with an excruciatingly experience at work today. Its the third time in my two years' association with the company. So upset, I nearly brimmed with tears. But I knew it was unmanly to let any emotions. You just have to clench your teeth and handle the prevailing situation. I had been doing this and I employed the same behavior again today. It feels sucky to see the ugly side of people. It makes me sick seriously.

Augh, it's furtile dwelling over what I kana ("encountered" in Malay). Rebecca said, tong wan mi shwang zhong ren. She explained it means two/multiple characters developed despite all feeding on the same staple food/rice in this context. Just unfortunately today's not my day.

Knowing so, I ended work on time and "fled" to Paragon to remedy the MMS problem. Ernest, the customer service officer told me they needed time to configure the settings which probably takes 30minutes. I made my way to Coffee Club to dine alone. As much as I was reminded of my striving-low-profile and independent secondary and JC days, I realised I was a shell just eating for the sake of eating. The dishes on my table weren't what I really wanted. So I practically stoned after a few bites of pennes.

Ernest called, the mms was enable. Subconsciously, I suspected something was wrong. Have been having migraine these few days. That was when I got reminded of NUH and decided to go there to snack and sat... perhaps this was how I feel better - pursuing your memories, reflect the events.. As I locate myself at NUH, I recalled the days when I was a trainee specialist and was appointed to visit this medic at this medical building somewhere between NUH and NUS compounds. It was a moment of freedom. And I feel... lighthearted. Dissipating all the self-doubts, self-disappointment.. with breezy nostalgic therapy.

I had to.. to prevent my loss of confidence and find composure. Really hate being moved and jeopardising control/grip over myself. It's a sigh of vulnerability. It's a taboo for perfectionist.

Survived a crisis on how to get home from NUH :: Topo my way through to Commonwealth MRT. It was until I reached Outram Park than I decided to meet Clara for a chat. Well, I was pretty impressed I traveled on the public transport for longer than expected.

Whatever doesn't kill you means you stronger. True indeed.

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