Sunday, January 17, 2010

De one with Dubious

Sunday for validating honor

If only life was as clear as the Maldives oceans, if only it was as perfect as a Tiffany ring, if only it was as determinate as trees, if.. and IF only.

Suppose the biggest regret is not knowing how to embrace uncertainty. Not even people or objects within your grasp, be it a spouse or inseparable childhood friend. It's even more heartbreaking to prempt to all things comes an end. For example, the product life cycle of a market product (right, in courtesy of It rises to a peak and fades. Likewise the fate of all things. Not being pessimistic, just realistic here.

During vulnerable times, I'd fail not to self-reflect. This being one of the fastest way to understand the situation. Nevertheless, ain't attempting to solve any problems. Alot of times, people perceive instantaneously and leap straight into conclusion, flagging it off as self-denial, pessimism. Reality is, there weren't any problem to being with. It's plain situational analysis and comprehension. Let's just stop being so impatient and ignorant. Take the backside and listen.. sense.. approach life with an open mind.

I would deny as simple and confident as my appearance portray, being this tissues and muscles inhere doubts as to what I'm putting up with. Wouldn't prize myself for being persistent and goal-accomplishing at times but there are times I crumple when faced with circumstances ambiguous and seems out-of-my-control. Take a very good example, bondings. It's innate gift to be considerate towards others' feelings which translate such sensitivity in my actions and behavior. Regardless, it might work with most but not all who I associate with.

Stripe me of my flowery words, thoughtful poems and long texts of concern, concentrate and find me doubting whether I'm willing to commit. The heart is willing but the situation just doesn't permit. It's like holding a risky investment portfolio. Or a fragile ribbon. Hold it tight and it will snap. Leave it loose and it might flutter away with the winds.

Could it be really me? When I effort and it doesn't yield results, I retreat alittle. No, it doesn't mean I am giving up. Just have to deal with the uncertainty arising from non-responses. It's true, certain things are better left unresolved. "Like a sack of entangled rubber bands." (Christopher N., 2009) Relentless trials to dislocate them just gets it worse.

The above being said doesn't necessarily voice my decision to sweep dirt under carpets. Perseverance comes into picture in situation like this, to serve as a thoughtful reminder to hang out till it's over (in better or worst). If improvements apparent, good, its a hint for me to proceed closer. Otherwise, I think it's better to stay put. Think. And evaluate if its worth the wait.

Parallel lines won't meet (Nathaniel Ho, 2009). Travel forth and notice both are heading in the same direction, leading to somewhere in hopes it will converge. Look at the tracks on  the left (in courtesy of Draw One-point Perspective, S.Helen), it seems they do meet. But trust me, it'll not be meet who will bend. True enough, self-principles have to be guarded. And you haven't even noticed.

Most critically, live and let live. Feels much better. Clarity with writing. Cup emptied. Now I have spaces for more.

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