Monday, May 24, 2010

De one with Life's a Bed of Rose

Relax, recuperate and rejuvenate

Any idea how would you plan your activities for a long term should you have the fortune of affording a temporal mid-life retirement? Don't get me wrong. It's not retirement for perpetual or holiday vacation. The term in discussion refers to a short term, you know, one or two months. Scratching your chin or temple? Lemme give you some time to think about it. In the meantime, here's how I'd love my "mid-life" retirement be scheduled... hehe...

I'd wake up as long as my body clock awakes. Or have a dog, licking my fingers. Aww.. it'd definitely melt my heart to wake up to a sunny, windy morning. At least, no sounds of traffic, depressing crowd to the busstops or panic over being unable to get a cab to be in time at work.

Wake up with freshly brewed tea in fine china or my all time favourite mug, read some newspapers, magazines Well, himbo's dumb enough. It's prudent habit to cultivate the brain from moulding. Just imagine.. not blonde, can't afford to get dumb. 

I'd got for a jog on alternate days. Followed by swimming and suntanning in the afternoon sun. When it's raining, I'll most likely stay home, watch home videos or plug on my ipod and cycle or do weights at home. After swim, I could have late lunch with friends, my god-brother, go ikea to shop for awhile. It's optimum to shop in the afternoon. You do not get a rushed feeling that the day is ending and there ain't much crowd or clatter from all the people who just never stop rumble and ratter over what happened at work or on their journey today.

On days when I do not exercise, I'd most likely draw to my heart's content. Creativity's at its peak during early hours. I could go to the park, lay myself on a carpet-grass patch, listen to the (toilet-trained) birds with the dome of ceiling-less, clear blue skies above. Puurrrfect!

Late afternoons I could go for facial. Or stay home to stone and realise how untidy my room is. Am certain it wouldn't be long before I start packing and revamping the layout of my room. At times, I might just polish my crystal babies, tiffanys and bags. Other time, it'd be adoring to have some private moment, reading a book with Starbucks coffee or napping.

Come evening time is the prime time to walk the dog. Or fly a kite should there be winds. I recall sitting at the stairs at the end of the overhead bridge leading to the park. Clouds of various, manipulative shapes, flushed orange and gold as the settling sun flare its glory. Or perhaps trailing by the river, feeding fishes or throwing pebbles would be nice.

The night is often covered with a blanket of stars as the crickets hold their outdoor concert. Dinner and movie dates would be magical. Especially when you've had a rested daytime. Attributing reasons are simple. You look and feel best despite the curtains closing for the day. Cast away worries for repeat of the vicious cycle of work, school or Ns training. Only sweet dreams awaits and a brand new tomorrow to accomplish whatever you have not done today or the day before.

It's a fairytale to have someone sitting by yourself, in front of a fireplace or heater during the monsoon period. Both of us drinking hot chocolate, strawberries and cuddling warmth under a quilt. Man.. it's unbelievably awesome to have times like this. Not forever but frequent. Let's not be too greedy la, hah..

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