Saturday, August 28, 2010

De one with Rebound

Generating thoughts

"How long are you going to keep this up" keep revolving in the my head like a totem. It wasn't aching. On the contrary, it forced myself to come back to reality. It seems as though beads of invisible weights have been sewn to every inch of the hair till much effort was required to overcome downward pressure acting on my bowing neck.

A funny thing I realised about myself was the unbelievable recovery rate. Mood-shifter would probably be the most appropriate title to brand myself in for this blog. "Life is a stage" well said indeed. We react, display our emotions and leave it before moving on.

Sometimes we overreact. In such times, we become impulsive for no reason. If it were me, I've better learn to take a deep breathe and try to process the routes and course of actions I could choose from, then formulate what my next step would be. It takes practice. Most of us are unable to do so as human tend to want the most responsive actions to counter the disequilibrium abruptly presents itself.

It benefits me more as certain of my words sting. It shoots like a merciless sniper at times. Thinking through, I was glad not to have said much, conveyed what was necessary.

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