Wednesday, September 01, 2010

De one with Recurring Pitstops


Like an unchained melody, work (needless to say) and school assignments comings in choppy waves one after another. It's scary at times when I slump back into the chair, semi-mentally "impaired", to realise how rapid everything around me is coming forth and getting done with. Then the aftermath of regret just have to find itself creeping into the little pauses I take, eventually leading me to feel alittle disappointed with myself for doing only so much within the capacity and energy available.

Only yesterday was I done with AFA test 1. Right up, there's a consolidated cash flow assignment due next saturday. On exactly 8 days later, it's AFA test 2. Tonight, the comprehension to why I am repeating this module - flashpast without learning anything. It's like moving so fast, it feels as if you're not visually seen moving at all.

I stopped reading. My jogging routine got stood up too. Weekday's consist of waking up late, rush to work and by the time I reach home after a day at work or campus, it's already 10-11ish and nothing except shower followed by sleep. Then the next rush 24 rush hours starts. It's stifling. Blogging now? ha! it's a fraction of my deprived sleep.

And a typical weekend? It's basically weekend date with "sleep". The best is to be able to jog at least once. For now, sigh, it's only revision and rushing to meet deadlines! Arrgghh!

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