Wednesday, November 17, 2010

De one with Extravengaza Week

Crazy week

This week was the one I've been looking most forward to! Trust me, it's crazy. Monday wasn't that good. Suffered alittle pinched headache.

Tuesday, yesterday, was like consuming a smelly doufu. The initial part is repulsive to the taste bud and pungent to the nose but it turn out someone'd kicked the bucket of magic dust off the clouds, it precipitated to end the day fine eventually.

Unpleasant story are better cut short. My Dolce shoes got drenched in the rain, I searched high and low Parco Bugis for a cake that was fit for vegetarian consumption. Boy, that's the ultimate silliest thing I've inquired with the cake-retailers. Instructions given wasn't reasonable. Try making out whether the eggs used in making the cake was kampong chicken or daily farmer's egg. Sigh.  Elementarily, how can a cake be without egg or milk?

To top things, instructions weren't ever clear. I felt being twirled around the instructor's finger, who was highly uncertained. Only when I finally arrived at the restaurant did the rest tell me the birthday guy is fine with just any cake. I was pissed, I wouldn't deny after all that folly you guys put me through but yea, what's a birthday without a cake. Hasty feet got me out of the restaurant, out in the cold weather to grab a cake.

Dinner wasn't good at all. Japanese cuisine. I'd say nothing japanese about it except a table-full of dough and artificial flavouring? At the end, what's the point of being negative. What goes around, comes around. It's only courteous to spend birthday according to the person's wish. It is precisely owing to this I didn't hold a grudge on the cake issue.

Aww.. I got myself out of the sticky situation and rushed down to Ion to collect the awfully chocolatey cake for my good and bestest friend on her *sensored* birthday. Haa! You bet, it's awfully affordable, awfully wrong and awfully wasted. I got the smallest size they could offer - a 1kg for 6 eaters. Individual portion became larger since there was five of us at KTV-ing at Katong. Perhaps they ate too much ramen for dinner, some couldn't finish the cake, nevermind. Still complain wanna puke. Urgh, for a moment I felt unappreciated lor.. *shrugs* I'm at the mercy of a birthday participant rules. I think rule number one is: Never ruin another birthday party.

Thankfully, the KTV session was better than expected. Discovered I was pretty good with reading certain mandarin lyrics with less difficulty than I expected it to be. Not to mention, singing songs which I'm only familiar with its tune. The night was too young to head home, had a chillout session and breakfast at the airport. 24 hours awake. It's just great.   

Learning new things, be it out of good or bad originating reasons, circumstances and outcomes, enriches our lives. I had my fair bit of learning today. Learning only gets better, so does my satisfaction and conviction that my life is closer to living to its fullest. Cheers.

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