Wednesday, December 29, 2010

De one with The Longest Wait

Sparking to excite

It've arrived! It's here!! It's finally dear!!!

You probably be puzzled what's all the excitement about! *rubs palms together*

A Rose for You
Perfectly happy

All pictures in courtesy of Swarovski online

Yes! Happen to come across the new V-day collection fresh from Swarovski. Boy oh boy.. looks like I need a bigger housing. It's alittle overcrowded with 21 + 2 more. Wheeeeee!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

De one with Wish List

Sleigh bells ringing

Frankly speaking, I'm not a difficult person to buy Christmas presents for! For that matter, I just can't comprehend those who think otherwise. Some even confessed of their frustration and vexing over what to buy. *spring noise*.

Come, since it's Christmas, on accord of the festive sharing spirit, lemme share the art of shopping for Jason's present. *trumpet fanfare*

The "reversed" tips...
1) Not anything that comes with a label or out-of-this-world's price tag fits the bill!

    I'm not a girl. It simply won't work if you gave me a 5 carat diamond ring, Tag Heuer or an excessively expensive object that I don't fancy. I'd probably feel bad about you burning a hole in your pocket and hate myself for reacting oppositely to your anticipation, causing disappointment.

    What's is important is preference precedes prices. For certain belongings, I'd only get it specifically from stores where I trust deliver style, uniqueness, intrigued delight, and quality.

2) The heart's gift

    The primary purpose of a present is to contain the sender's sincerest thoughts and deliver joy to its recipient. Absolutely, "it's the thought that counts". The bonus is achieved when you boxed something personalised. At least for me, that's a delightful pleasant surprise. Old fashion yet you've gotta admit, it works all the time!

3) Forced surprises ain't surprise at all

    Surprises can't be planned. More than never, it's the plot or course of actions to induce someone to feel surprised that can be planned. Forced surprises ain't really genuine. If it does work with others, that person's definitely faking it. Yep, if I'm surprise, you'll see the radiance glowing in my face. The critical question is what brings surprise to me?

    "Telepathic" gifts never fails to unlock the doors to surprise. Basically, something I never expect that's out of your league but managed to nail it, could be some of my favourite stuff. Yep, that's be thumbs-up. Lastly, something I've never had or seen before that's unique enough to rouse my curiosity or interest.

4) Touching gifts

    If there are no surprises, something heart-melting would suffice. Be it a very accurate, touching message. A little kind gesture. Being a kid at heart, a Sasha bear with puppy-eyes are my weaknesses. Aww... a Kris bear!

This year, I gave out a Dolce-bagful of christmas present. They were daily-calendars which I wrapped in japanese prints, gold ribbons with a origami crane resting on it. Others involved Royce and sugar-houses. Of course, the biggest Christmas gift was a hotel clubhouse overnight. Hmm, I wouldn't judge or brag whether my presents are exquisite or most-anticipated. What matters most is sharing!!

What goes around comes around. I got my fair bit of Christmas gift.

The usual suspects are assorted candies, candy cane, boxes of chocolates, TWG tea leaves, Gingerbread man cookies and lollipop, graduation letter from university (haha), dinner, Christmas greeting card, a Sony-USB (super classic), apple, a Lego LED toy, a runner's arm-stripe for Ipod, towels and a mysterious kiss and hug.

I'm blessed to say, this year's top Xmas present had to go to the kiss which was mere joke which materialised. Haha. TWG came in first runner-up. Also unexpected from my bros. *Applause*

Well, a blessed Merry Christmas to all and look forward to a Happy New Year!


Saturday, December 18, 2010

De one with The Can'ters

Worded confessions

There has got to be a reason why certain people behave and develop varying good and bad personalities. The same applies to everything else. The pianist is only able to wave his fingers across the right octaves after he refers to the music score.

For what's relieving, explanations from psychology-article or behavioral reports are not required in discussion. Instead, the limelight shall fall on the 16th and 17th words of the opening paragraph. For convenience, let's have it shown again: Bad personalities.

Personalities traits have been long-used as a channel to categorise or stereotype humans into groups. Sure the underlying purposes include a variety. One of which primarily governs the reasonable man's (or lady's) reaction towards the appropriate casts of behavioral peculiarities. Another use of identifying and sorting personalities traits indirectly determines our tolerance-threshold towards the under-behaved.

Different people react divergent to common bad personalities. Lemme share herewith a few of the people who make my nerve twitch.

Liars. Lying is a sin. It casts doubts, belittles credibility and ultimately, it leaves you with a sense of betrayal. Like magic, white(-liars) are tolerable. Can't help it for the otherwise. Especially those who lie for their own benefit, lies at the expense of causing others harm and/or the despicable others who fail to repent. The last are the worst lots!

Hypocrites. Shall not deny all human beings are born natural-hypocrites. Personal opinion? Social awareness has gotten our lips half-sealed. This cause developed an effect of fear for liberal speech due to its indeterminable impact on others. Humans, like I've said umpteen times, are emotional creatures. A casual remark might cut another's ego even without any ill-intentions. Nevertheless, just mingling around with people who wear masks, appears friendly with inner feelings totally contradicting, is freakishly horrifying. Imagine the trauma of slicing a fine-looking apple and release it's all maggots on the inside. Yeah, this discovery with human hypocrisy is multiple times of a rotten apple. Don't it just makes my hair stand.

Over-enthusiasts. If you are at a mood-pitching live concert/national day party, I don't mind embracing such self-induced high-ness! Or at least, making an effort to lighten up the atmosphere of a awkward meal. Else, at peace time, let's take it a couple notches down. Being enthusiastic is amiable. Leaping overboard and become uncontrollably enthusiastic can get annoying. It's like a robot that gets excessively charged and turns cuckoo-ly-haywire! I'm sure if there's a baseball bat within reach, I'd smash them to their senses, like how we used to love whacking moles.

Self-centralist. The arrogant peacock finds no mate. Ok, this is not an actual idiom. Rather, a self-made description. The accurate fact is that its underlying meaning can't be more appropriate. There is a difference between confidence and complacency. Although the power of confidence is enduring and impressive most of the time, excessive self-confidence leads to complacency. The complacent fails to see there's room for improvement, learning or continual growth in any aspect. More often than never, one of the labor sowed is a person becoming overly self-centered. With an abusive misconception of possessing certain ample capability, looks or gifts, self-centralist indulges in their strong belief how the world must submit and/or revolve around them. If one is looking for its power switch, perhaps it's best to locate where the pride is. That is where the hard-cable is man.

Mean people. For no reason, meanness never fails to portray the image of a bewildered, twisted face of a wide-eyed Disney step-mother, witch or insane women with over-powdered make-ups and bears her teeth. Usually, mean-people have no sense of humanity in them. Why? Simply because they are bent on depriving others of kindness or the opportunity to be happy. Horrible cruel creatures. Seriously, I have no slightest idea why Lucifer plant such idea in our prefrontal cortex?! 

Rowdy-ers. As Ryan Canberra sings, "true..." on empty vessel makes the most noise. Adolescents are commonly perceived to be the culprits for being rowdy. This might seemed inaccurate in today's context, considering kids are simply pampered and spoiled with all the techno-gadgets. I.e. They rather occupy themselves with music or noses within the perimeters of Iphones and Ipad than uttering words. Yet surprisingly, the existence of rowdy people pertains. Gangster-behaving soil-diggers (no offence but I'd prefer a little discretion) still storms the back of transport and make alot of noise. *Shakes head and wriggles index finger* Totally not cool! It's perturbing to hear people who are peace-disturbance or unnecessarily rowdy equivalent. Already hurts our ears having to bear the buzzling of traffic (1 million vehicles in Singapore ok?), why accelerate hearing impairment of your own and those around you? Please.. listen to my words - leave the natural stereos at home already! 

Braggers. The measure of wealth and capability has no real meaning. These are extrinsic tools which happen to be reliably measurable and mutually accepted by all as medium for trade. The misconception that money is a measure of social status is largely plotted from financial planners as well as bankers who are skin-deep *censored*. What's true is high possessions of these comes tagged with alot of problems. Thus, isn't it more sensible to share your woes than brag explicitly about what you have? If bragging puts one above others, I'd beg braggers reconsider. The act of public arrogance indicates these people under the lower levels for basic securities and social status within Maslow's pyramid of needs. Now using this as a guide to rank humans in accordance with their priorities of living needs, the answer is clear where they stand.      

Complicatedist. These are the people who we need to stir clear for we know not of what their complexities are capable of. Honestly, it's creepy, palpitating to even think of association with such monstrosity. *fingers to temples*. Looks can be deceiving. Trust me, I've been through the torture of deception and dealing with people who appear normal but a mind for all the wrong reasons. I'm afraid these are part of the reason explaining for the survival of psychiatrists.

It's undeniable nobody chooses to be the way they behave, owing to the environment which compels us to defend or retaliate. But looking back as the way it is, the question we need to touch our hearts before answering, did we have a choice for such behavior to be temporary or permanent? Some goes to Church to receive forgiveness so that they can be cleansed of their undesirable traits. Some seek medical help. Myself? I employ less-expenses and routined method: self-reflection. Question my motives and behavior from time to time. Be it after a run, swim to the pool-edge or even on bus-journeys home. We are not perfect saints, we just.. try not be undesirable to ourselves, without harm to others. That's fine enough.

Oh, another thing! This is not really a bad personality but more of a personal opinion. Another "Cant'ers" would be people who tear very easily. Honestly *both palms up* I don't know how to handle such people. My heart turns soft, drenched in guilt regardless whether its my fault. My first reaction would be giving a hug. The least, offer tissue papers. Well, this doesn't always occur as the other party might be who I'm unfamiliar and.. I barely carry tissue papers around. If you try to identify the root of the problem, the weeping might worsen. Urgh, then I'd probably sulk and be completely helpless. Unless you don't have the remote control to your tear ducts, either warn me, tell me the reason before your lacrimation.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

De one with All in a Week's Diary


Don't ask me how's my week. Any replies probably wouldn't suffice any accurate description on how I feel.

Tired? Perhaps.. much attributed from excessive use of countless brain cells, trying to solve people's problem, advise, undoing mess and dealing with clients. No, not complaining or voicing my unwillingness. On the contrary, I'm most glad to be consulted, help and expose myself to such challenges. In fact, 'd pretty much looking the situation from a different perspective: Heading to office is as if transforming myself into a doctor. My experience is the All-Spark, giving me the ability to transform. Guiding, training another, like my boss best described - "creating yourself" in another person is a tedious and resulting-ly exhausting process. For that matter, I beg to differ, although I never quite understand why I was told managing people is a crumpling obstacle. Interpersonal relationship is not tough! It's getting people to learn enough to be able to work with you that's a challenge!

Pissed? Swear a Church's visit is imperative if ever was this to be blogged. Anyway, patience is my forte. But don't over-push it. As the moral advice taught: "Do not what you wouldn't have others do upon you", I trust nobody like being troubled by or trouble others. Never liked asserting authority upon others unless certain crucial moment necessary. Especially when dealing with people in their 20's. Personal opinion. Certain innate duty-responsibilities and work-conscientiousness are expected of you. Come on! We are expected to learn on our own, fend our thirst for knowledge, engage in trial and errors, stumble, fall and pick up from where we left! Definitely without the presence of a cane or hawking supervisor. Erm.. that's elementary?

The one scenario that bugs me is when you have troubles and you turn yourself into a smart Alex. No offense on anyone named Alex but seriously, when in doubt, it's better to ask. Couldn't agree more with my manager's advice "It's troublesome enough trying to solve problems. It's even more troublesome rectifying mistakes." That being said, no worries. People might just take it you have a spine and appreciate your fighting spirit. But what happens if a tangled outcome creates itself out of your efforts to take the contentious matter in your hands? The hack-carer's rule of the thumb: Just pass the sticky matter onto others and hope it doesn't come haunting. Others? "Sweep the dust under the carpet"? That's all crap la. The golden rule is to approach advice. Just.. don't come running to us and think we're a form of divine intervention. Sigh.

Soft-hearted? Notwithstanding the reasonableness of what's taught in leadership lectures: True leaders ought to know what ought to be done, to expect and when to/not to be sensitive. Theoretically, as organisational behaviorist examined, a best leader strikes a balance between being objectivity and sensitivity. Unfortunately, strip us to the core, we are still humans with feelings afterall.

To be honest, dealing with people is like pulling a kite which is more commonly related to a case of relationship. Well, almost similar to working with colleagues, the subordinates are like kites, the kite-flyers are the superiors. You must know how to "talak". As far as work is concern, I think no matter how brutally cruel we are, loading people with work, enforce deadlines and ensure they do what's required or expected, we are nevertheless confined by humanity.

Politics are limited or non-present working in close-knitted company. Alot of times, it's inevitable to exercise personal judgement and close an eye to certain matters, as long as it's ethical and doesn't lead to serious consequences. Of course, the safeguard is to confess what you've done, for all we know, we might lack the experience to see a blindside effect.

Rejoice! Yes, shall not discredit the entire week and brand it all bitter like a dark chocolate. There are bright moments that derived me energy, be it smile-inducing, heart-melting or encouragement sprouting, to last me through the stormy days. I watched Tangled (Rapunzel). My recent most-anticipated movie. *Hands to my heart* It's enchanting, the fresh idea of Confucius floating lanterns, and aww... the happy ending, it's perfect. Not forgetting it doesn't require much deciphering and fills your heart with joy. Absolutely delightful show to catch after a week of sluggering. And I must reiterate, I prefer girls with long hair. Haha.

There's a time for everything. For everything else, thank goodness there's rest, not Mastercard, Visa or anything. Haha.. For now, I'm tuning in.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

De one with Unintended

Honesty speaking

I never meant to do what I did. Getting myself into unnecessary headaches, rash action bound to an act of defending my pride.

But.. uncontrollably, resistance weak. Cross my heart, no malicious intention meant...

De one with Sabbatical Part II

Radiating heat

Sunday wasn't that bad. I'd say the expected occurred. The unexpected took place too. Which was in fact, a compliment to the last hours of my Sabbatical.

My first experience with Standard Chartered Run was fairly good. Pre-empting the crowd and road closure, I exercised prudence and used the train instead of arriving at the run destination in a cab. Getting out at 6:30 - 7pm, it feels like I've step back into time the moment I exposed myself to the cold atmosphere and transformed into a school-boy. The quiet dim morning, pavement shone of orange street lamp-lights and occasional croaking of the morning bird. Yeah.. and the "not-so" good-old-days when I've to drag myself outta bed and freshen up in order to be punctual for JC.

While savoring a piece of the past, never did I expect to find myself amused being amongst others wearing identical clothing. Like we're all in uniform on our way to the same school, or wearing red to attend the national day parade. Patriotic eh..

Within the next two hours, it never occur to me that my deemed deteriorated stamina had exceeded my expectation. Managed to run through the race, in spite of worries that my kneel problem might surface once again. Boy, you should have seen and felt the Vitamin-D rich sunlight of the Sunday morning. Dehydrating but still, it's warming-ly motivating, as if God's encouraging me to keep running consistently.

People give that kinda "disappointed" look or tone when I inform my SCM was only 10km. I didn't bothered to explain why. It's all the experience that count. Perhaps 42.5km next year.

Supposedly shagged and famished after the run, everyone was in agony. I could feel it just by seeing the expression on their faces. Not boasting but I felt extraordinarily fine. Something's wrong with my muscle reflexes? Puzzling.

After a half hour ride in a bus, surprisingly, we satisfied my craving for pasta (carbohydrate replenishment after the morning's run on an empty stomach) and movie, Narnia. Which I found, not bad. I guess the film finally got additional funds seeing all the animation, effects. But the 3D glasses tinted the show. 3D pop-up effect wasn't that obvious, probably due to the seats were at.

It was a rather eventful day, although I collapsed soon after bringing myself home. The sun sets, the country music playing in my head. Watering eyes brimmed the corners of my eyes as I yawned my tiredness light. And I thought, what a beautiful and blessed weekend I've had.

Monday, December 06, 2010

De one with Intermission

Air-bubbled thoughts

I want a trendy Rolex.
I want more Swarovski bears.
I need the human touch,
And I want a cool gym bag.

I crave for stamina,
The ones I used to have.
I want a slick Imac,
And I hope all are there.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

De one with Sabbatical Part 1

Saccharin Saturday

What did I do today? Work up pretty early. As I remember my un-focused glimpse of the lighten Nexus screen during my sub-conscious state of mind, reveille was between 8-9am. Wanted very much to run but I thought, since it's the big event tomorrow, I shall stir clear any troubles or over-exertion on my muscles. Furthermore, it just heal from the strenuous aftermath of paintball activity.

Ok, procrastinating laziness conspired in the run abortion project this morning.

Anyway, I was awoke to have a chinese-style breakfast. Noodles from my all-time favourite store. Cousin bought it for me. Yeay. After a hearty meal, decided to rid my long unkempt hair and braved the wet weather to the vicinity's saloon. There, the wait was unbearable. I supposed i waited almost an hour before my turn. What to do, a boy gotta do to what needs his hair to do. Haha.

Anyway, went back home, met for tea with Clara at Novena. End up buying a couple of stuff for the Xmas present, art materials for decorating my manager's present and kimchi for dinner. Yes, I cook. Without the apron please. Get that out of your imagination.

The evening ended better than expected. Typical rest day. Uneventful. Looking forward to the run though. I could really use some perspiration after a week's of labor. 

Thursday, December 02, 2010

De one with Coming Clear


Really jaded. Having people's problems loaded under my wing only aggravates my headaches and pain. Darn it. No doubt it's part of learning from an optimistic view. Yet, it's pretty taxing and it's causing prematured ageing. *Palms out* I am shagged. It's even harder than studying for exams.