Saturday, December 04, 2010

De one with Sabbatical Part 1

Saccharin Saturday

What did I do today? Work up pretty early. As I remember my un-focused glimpse of the lighten Nexus screen during my sub-conscious state of mind, reveille was between 8-9am. Wanted very much to run but I thought, since it's the big event tomorrow, I shall stir clear any troubles or over-exertion on my muscles. Furthermore, it just heal from the strenuous aftermath of paintball activity.

Ok, procrastinating laziness conspired in the run abortion project this morning.

Anyway, I was awoke to have a chinese-style breakfast. Noodles from my all-time favourite store. Cousin bought it for me. Yeay. After a hearty meal, decided to rid my long unkempt hair and braved the wet weather to the vicinity's saloon. There, the wait was unbearable. I supposed i waited almost an hour before my turn. What to do, a boy gotta do to what needs his hair to do. Haha.

Anyway, went back home, met for tea with Clara at Novena. End up buying a couple of stuff for the Xmas present, art materials for decorating my manager's present and kimchi for dinner. Yes, I cook. Without the apron please. Get that out of your imagination.

The evening ended better than expected. Typical rest day. Uneventful. Looking forward to the run though. I could really use some perspiration after a week's of labor. 

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