Thursday, February 17, 2011

De one with Dr Michaels

Results day

After 24 hours of excruciating pain, one week's wait for IVU and pricks, 7 days and a few hours later is the day when I got the results to all this kidney stone saga. Unfortunately, it's a confirmed case of kidney stone. 2mm in diameter, located towards the top of my left kidney. White-spot on the xray-film, explained the doctor after I asked him to show and explain to me. Interesting session.

Naturally, I asked if there was any way to get rid of this burden. The doctor explained it's too tiny and high chance (90%) it'd exit the body through urination.

There are however, two operational procurements. First being the lithotripsy, which uses x-ray or laser to disintegrate the stones. Second being the ureteroscopy, involves sending a tube up urine system through the ureter to the kidney - a painful experience to blast the stones in the kidney.   

Are the preceding remedies above applicable to me? The doctor said both are unnecessary and definitely not worth the pain and trouble. For now, what's best is to do nothing, and come back for observation to see if the stone would be gone in exactly 365 days later.

Well, no operation and high chance of the stone being passed out normally seem comforting yet, being skeptical, there were other issues that I was concerned with. What if the stone grows and the relapse of the agonising pain-experience? He says it's possible. In the event of stone growth before or during the follow-up, operation would be imperatively executed. For pain wise, I just have to take painkillers (hate it, it's narcotics) and come back for immediate actions.

Oh well, and of course pray hard, all additional troubles do not event and even better,
"Kidney stones go away,
Flush yourselves out from my body
and never ever come back again!"

If there's any consolation? The doctor's named Michael, the same name as the doctor who treated me at A&E. Seems like kidney stones are popular with Dr Michaels. Or could it be pure affinity? Haha.

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