Monday, May 17, 2010

De one with Quad-Centennial Edition

With dexterity

Inaugural to celebrating 400 blogs of complaints, joyful news, depressing written ordeals and sweet-smelling nostalgic stories, I dedicate this slightly-off 403 entry to my dearest friends, supportive readers and forthcoming stalkers, passing web-browsers or even spot-checkers. Lol.

A few months ago, I conducted a brief survey. This involved friends and acquaintances to text a single word which they felt best in describing me. You could call it "evaluation". I call it "research materials" and reliable sources ain't more appropriate than people whom I've dealt or met before. Then again, just to clarify further, the most important bottom-line is to be receptive and present words from others meant more valuable than casual, self-composed entries.

Without further ado, *clasps both hands together*, let's have our appetizers serve, shall we?

*Opens the dish cover, clouds of mist unfurls out beneath* the glitter word appears as the mist dissipates: "Vain pot". Yes, this was the golden word which bestowed by you-know-who. *palms out* Indeed I can't deny. Look at my toiletries, how I choose my clothes, accessories and you'll know how true that word reflect. Obviously it ain't a positive description. Well, everybody deserves to be vain, to bring out the "better" appearance in us. But of course, without going overboard or superficially pretentious.

"Sweet" appears second on the list. Your votes. Not mine arh. Personally, there's really nothing distinctively sweet about me. Basically, I do things willingly or genuinely for people whom I care about.  Honestly, given my limited capacity, unaccomplished gift of speech, or body size, there's nothing I can do to protect or do miraculous works to patch broken hearts (although I have a NUM Tee which says so.. ok kidding), or even cheer you up like some psychiatric-guru when you're down. "Do things within your means" (Mummy, 1995) and abidingly, I did, without intentions to please.. just want you to be gay (ie happy).

Others perceive this as "accommodating", some stereo-typed me"bending-over-backwards" and trying hard to impress. While I do admit investing my best at times, I'd beg to differ from the dreadful "I" word. Cause is simple. I never do. Those whom I've worked with or seen my work comment in unison of me being "perfectionist". Philosophically, I trust if you never try, how would you know. Even if you did try, give it your best shot. So you wouldn't have any excuse for regret. What do you think, guys with the "I" impression?

"Quiet" and "shy" are next on the feedback list. Hmm.. we've come a long way. Till today, first impressions never fail to pick this affinity between me and being quiet or shy because I have a mouthful of gold or avoid eye contact. Being shy I do admit la.. but improving. As for eye contacts, I'd stick to the same: Unless it's something important, you wouldn't have me looking into your eyes. They say eyes are windows to the soul. I have nothing to hide. Perhaps.. just don't wish having people getting infatuated. Haha. Come on! Know me better and you can be a jury yourself to derive a verdict if "quiet" is representative of my personality. Hah.

"Naive" came from my manager and dear Max. Sometimes, it is tagged along with "stubborn". Naive doesn't mean immature here. Rather it relates to how I view the world. "人 之 初, 性 本 善" - 三字經. I trust and adopts less sophisticated way of viewing people despite knowing how complex human nature can be. Why immerse ourselves into over-skeptical or sophisticate-mindedness when socialising with others. Just be plain, be simple and behave how you'd like others behave with you.

Others say I'm "cute". Yes, go on, put your indexes near your uvulas, roll your eyes like roulette at casinos, or start reciting "definition of "cute" = ugly but adorable" if you decide to. Oh by the way, I don't think any dictionary defines cute as ugly but adorable. Continue using this and I'd most probably be the 2nd after Dr Hughes to discover a mistaken in whichever dictionary from which you derive that error from! It's my face. I can't help it. Haha. Come on, don't be discouraged. I'd say, if I can be, so can you!

Some say Jason's "talented".. because I can draw. "Gullible" (some would feedback) and "talented", both are like two big puzzles which can't seemed to fit ley.

"Impulsive".. that's the uprising category which more people are seeing. Others have associated it with me being "impatient" because when I want it, I get it and get it quick. Who or rather, what to be blamed to have cultivated this "fast and furious" force in me? Two culprits: Music and audit. In music, timing has to be precise. Each and every note has a time of its own so that it fits and pieces to form harmony. Of all, I love accelerating tempo which derives an exhilaration within the heart-racing beats and fluid-running notes. Audit. It's a race with time, stuffing all that you can do within a time-frame. Don't bother giving me what is not require. Get the objectives right and get it done and over with. Like "staccatos" within the rhythm of life.

F defines me with "energetic". Hmm.. am I? As much as I try to be jovial and bursting with life, I think this essence of youth seemed to have landed itself into "endangered status" with my current job situation. We get tired so easily. Oh boy.. time to do something about it.

Saved the best for the last. A friend H, texted me this: "You're like Swarovski crystal - Cold and hard on the appearance yet transparent to see". What does it mean? I shall let this be an open-ending...

Words paint an image just fine. Pleasant ones are like primary and bright colors. Objectionable ones are like shades of dark and grey. I hereby give thanks to all who have contributed to this blog. May it root delights in the hearts from which these fantastic descriptive words grew from hours, days, months or even years of interaction with thee. 

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